Chapter Member Fees
SAE Financial & Housing Corporation (F&H) collects various fees on behalf of both our Chapters and House Corporations. The following guide is an overview of fees and is not intended as an all-encompassing document. Variations exist between Chapters and House Corporations across the country.
Fraternity Service Center Fees
These fees are paid directly to the National Fraternity Office known as the Fraternity Service Center.
Health & Safety Fee
The cost of general liability insurance for all Members of the Chapter.
All Members
Yearly (Fall)
Annual Dues
The annual cost of membership in Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity.
All Members
Yearly (Spring)
Initiation Fee
Upon initiation into Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity, all Members are subject to a one-time initiation fee.
New Members
One Time
Room & Board
The use of a Member’s room, common areas of the Chapter House, and a full meal plan.
In-House Members
Each Term (Semester / Quarter)
Membership Deposit
A refundable charge that is refunded upon graduation from the Chapter and the institution of enrollment.
All Members
First Two Terms as a Member
Greek Housing Management Fee
The cost of services provided by F&H, such as the use of a Member Portal, accountings, billing, collections, Chapter oversight, leasing coordination, etc.
All Members
Each Term (Semester / Quarter)
Parlor Fee
Amounts to all expenses related to the use of the Chapter House by Out-of-House Members of the Chapter. This includes their share of the cost of operating the Chapter House.
Out-of-House Members
Each Term (Semester / Quarter)
Used by the local Chapter to finance discretionary Chapter funds, such as social events, parent’s weekend, IFC Dues, Province Dues, Homecoming, recruitment, etc.
All Members
Each Term (Semester / Quarter)
Breakage Fee
If Members fail to honor their sublease obligations per the terms outlined in their sublease agreement, this fee covers any shortfall in rent the Member is legally obligated to pay for.
All Applicable Members
As Needed
Vacancy Fee
If the Chapter fails to secure enough signed subleases to fulfill minimum occupancy requirements for the Chapter House, this fee covers the shortfall in rent the Chapter owes the House Corporation
All Applicable Members
As Needed
Late Fee
If payments are not submitted by the due date, a late fee will be assessed to the Member's outstanding balance. Late fees can be avoided by establishing an approved payment plan.
All Applicable Members
As Needed
Guarantee Deposit
If a Member does not have a Guarantor on their sublease, a refundable fee will be assessed and refunded to the Member upon move-out.
All Applicable Members
As Needed
This information is provided for informational purposes only. It is important that every Member and Guarantor read the documents they signed. For further clarification about fees, please feel free to contact us through your Member Portal at
This fee covers general liability insurance for the Fraternity Service Center (FSC), Chapter Officers, volunteers, and Members associated with the Chapter. It is charged by the Membership & Records Department of the FSC in the Fall.
Please note that personal items are not covered by this insurance. F&H recommends that tenants obtain renters insurance.
This fee covers a Member’s dues to maintain their active membership in Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity. It is charged by the Membership & Records Department of the FSC in the Spring.
This fee covers the cost of initiation for membership in Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity. It is charged by the Membership & Records Department of the Fraternity Service Center upon notification of membership.
This fee covers the use of a Member's room and common areas in the Chapter House, as well as a full meal plan. This fee varies by year depending on the tastes and requests of Members. Any Live-In Member should check with their House Manager regarding bedroom furniture and amenities.
For meal plans, Members should contact their Steward for more information. Weekly or monthly menus should be prepared by the cook in coordination with the Steward. Meals start on the first day of classes and are not provided during school breaks.
Some Chapters may bill common area charges (Parlor Fees) and meal plans separately.
This fee covers the cost of services provided by F&H, such as the use of Revela, accounting, billing, collections, oversight, leasing coordination, etc.
This fee covers Chapter House utilities used by all Members of the Chapter. This includes electricity, maintenance for common areas and meeting spaces, etc. This fee is primarily charged to Out-of-House Members, as Members living in the Chapter House traditionally have this fee built into their Room & Board Fee.
This fee is a refundable charge. The initial Membership Deposit amount is split and billed in two terms. The Membership Deposit rolls over year-to-year. A Member who graduates as active and in good standing from the Chapter, Fraternity, and educational institution is eligible for a refund. Members who graduate under a status of inactive, suspended, expelled, or resign their membership from Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity are not eligible for a Membership Deposit refund.
Used by the local Chapter to finance discretionary Chapter funds, such as social events, parent’s weekend, IFC Dues, Province Dues, Homecoming, recruitment, etc.
This fee is charged to Members who fail to honor the terms of their sublease agreement. This fee is mitigated by removing the cost of the Meal Plan from the Room & Board Fee. This fee is charged in an effort to reduce the rent shortfall from the Chapter to the House Corporation.
Rent shortfalls are calculated by determining the total rent owed by the Chapter to the House Corporation and subtracting the total amount of rent billed by the Chapter. The unpaid rent is then divided by the number of Members who did not fulfill their sublease obligations.
This fee is charged to all Members when the Chapter fails to secure enough signed subleases to fulfill the minimum occupancy requirement for the Chapter House, which is dictated by the Chapter's Master Lease.
This fee is divided among every Member (regardless if they live-in the Chapter House or not) to cover the shortfall in rent.
This fee is charged when Members do not make payments by an established due date. Initially, this fee equals 5% of any outstanding balance. After thirty days of non-payment, an additional 10% late fee will be assessed on any outstanding balance and this fee will be reassessed every thirty days thereafter until full payment has been made. This fee can be avoided by setting up an approved payment plan with F&H. Access the Member Portal at to set up a payment plan.
This fee is only charged to Members who do not have a Guarantor on their sublease. This is a refundable fee which is refunded upon Move-Out. Unlike a Membership Deposit, which is active as long as the individual is an active undergraduate Member of the Chapter, this fee is only charged while the Member is living in the Chapter House. Members without Guarantors must also obtain renters insurance.
For further clarification about fees, please contact us through your Member Portal at
Fees vary based on where the Member is within their experience as an SAE Member.
Any Member who is 60 Days Past Due on any amounts billed by the Chapter is sent to collections, unless they are on an approved payment plan.
A Member who is set to move into the Chapter House must be paid in full or be on an approved payment plan. If they are not, the Member will be prevented from moving into the premises by the House Director until their billing is rectified.
Quarter System
Fall Semester - Billed on July 1
Spring Semester - Billed on December 1
Quarter System
1st Quarter - Billed on September 1
2nd Quarter - Billed on December 1
3rd Quarter - Billed on March 1
The Chapter may charge a Summer Dues Assessment, which is billed on June 1.
*Local Chapter Fee may vary based on the discretion of Chapter Officers.
Parlor Fee (Fall & Spring)
Greek Housing Management Fee (Fall & Spring)
Health & Safety Fee (Fall)
Annual Dues (Spring)
Local Chapter Fee* (Fall & Spring)
Parlor Fee (Fall & Spring)
Greek Housing Management Fee (Fall & Spring)
Health & Safety Fee (Fall)
Annual Dues (Spring)
Local Chapter Fee* (Fall & Spring)
New Members must also pay One-Time Fees in addition to the Fee Schedule above.
Initiation Fee (Fall)
Half of Health & Safety Fee (Spring)
Membership Deposits (Spring & Following Fall)
Initiation Fee (Spring)
Membership Deposits (Following Fall & Spring)
Unless otherwise specified by Chapter and House Corporation Officers, Special Assessments may go out at any time, i.e., Incidentals, Initiation Fees, and Membership Deposits.